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Demand Response Incentives FAQ

Through demand response incentives programs, participating customers commit to reduce their electricity usage at critical times in order to help lower the demand for electricity during peak periods when energy use is at its highest, such as on certain hot summer days. The programs help reduce peak-day generator emissions, delay installation of costly utility equipment, and can help reduce the purchase of expensive peak-day energy. Participating customers receive financial incentives and free or reduced-cost equipment to help manage energy use.

Some of the programs assess a financial penalty or reduced payments if you cannot reduce your electricity usage to the amount you enrolled. There are also demand response incentives programs that do not have financial penalties. Email us at or give us a call at 1-845-577-2423.

Demand response incentives participation varies depending on the program. Some programs are called during system-critical situations while other programs are designed to reduce the demand on the electric system on the hottest summer days. The actual number of events will vary based on the program, weather, and system conditions. Email us at or give us a call at 1-845-577-2423.

Customers can reduce their energy consumption by turning off unnecessary lighting, appliances, and equipment, raising the temperature of central air-conditioning systems, or using on-site generation that complies with state, city, and county regulations.

Notification is given in advance of a power-reduction event by email or telephone—whichever contact method a participant specifies upon program registration.
