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Accounts Payable

We strive to deliver our valued suppliers timely and accurate payments, and to provide answers to your procedural questions.

Ways to Invoice

Submit Electronically

Using a secure, electronic invoicing portal eliminates the need to send paper invoices through the mail and reduces processing time. With the iSupplier self-service module, you can manage purchase orders, submit invoices, view payments, and respond to requests for quotes and invoice status.

Sign In to iSupplier

Create an iSupplier Account

Submit by Mail

Until you're authorized for iSupplier access, you can send original invoices to:

Orange & Rockland Utilities, Inc.
P.O. Box 799
Cooper Station
New York, NY 10276

To ensure prompt payment, invoices should contain the following information:

  • Your company name
  • Purchase order number
  • Invoice number
  • Remittance address
  • Invoice line item descriptions that correspond to the purchase order
  • Third-party invoices when billing for any freight charges or expenses

Direct Payment Permits

Orange & Rockland has Direct Payment Permits for New York and New Jersey, available for vendor review and use.

New York Direct Payment Permit (PDF)

New Jersey Direct Payment Permit (PDF)

Accounts Payable FAQ