Why We Trim Trees
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Tree Trimming Along Transmission Wires
Transmission wires carry high-voltage electricity over long distances. They are supported by large steel towers or wood poles installed on property called a right-of-way. We manage trees and plants around transmission lines according to New York and New Jersey State regulations to keep the operation of these lines safe and reliable. Planting any vegetation on the transmission easement is allowed, as long as the vegetation meets height or compatibility requirements.
- Remove trees in the right-of-way that can grow tall enough to come near the wires
- Side trees located off the right-of-way, but with branches that grow near our wires
- Lower-growing trees that don’t get in the way of our safety inspections or equipment can stay on the right-of-way.
Our contractors trim and remove trees along the right-of-way generally every three years. We visit some areas more frequently. If you live next to our right-of-way, we’ll let you know when we’re going to trim in your area.