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Una torre de transmisión en campo abierto.

Long-Range Plan for the Clean Energy Transition

Orange & Rockland is planning for a clean energy future to enable net zero greenhouse gas emissions in our service territories by 2050 while continuing to provide world-class safety, reliability, and resilience for an industry leading experience.

We’re building an electric system that will integrate, deliver, and balance 100% renewable electric generation and we’re re-imagining a gas system that can transition to deliver low-to-zero carbon gaseous fuels.

To account for projected impacts of climate change, we’ll continue to invest in the increased resilience of our infrastructure. In addition, we continue to invest in core services to deliver safe, secure, and reliable energy to serve a society increasingly reliant on electricity to power their work, homes, and businesses. We’ll provide industry leading customer experience and support our customers as they electrify their forms of heating and transportation.

Our Long-Range Plan details the actions, strategies, and investments needed to transform our electric and gas businesses. With a focus on cost effectiveness and equity, we’re working together with customers, regulators, policymakers, and other stakeholders to make this future a reality.

In our Long-Range Plan, we explore two possible paths that vary in the level and pace of technology adoption that can achieve net-zero emissions in 2050 and customer energy needs.

  1. Hybrid: Relies on both clean electricity and reimagines a role for the gas system using low carbon fuels.
  2. Deep Electrification: Relies on clean electricity and extremely limited volume of low carbon fuels.

Investments by Our Four Strategic Objectives

Over the next 10 years, we’re investing $5.7 billion towards a cleaner, safer, and more reliable electric and gas systems.

Clean Energy

We’re investing over $1.5B to incorporate Clean Energy across the value chain by supporting the transformation of energy supply, enabling a fundamental change in energy consumption and preparing our energy systems for the future:

  • Connecting and balancing new renewable generation
  • Development and facilitation of energy storage
  • Support development of Low-Carbon Fuels
  • Accelerate adoption of electric vehicles, energy efficiency, and decarbonized heating

Climate Resilience

We’re investing over $1.2B to prepare our energy systems against projected climate change impacts.

  • Harden energy infrastructure and assets to prevent outages
  • Modify system design and flexibility to mitigate disruptions to customer service
  • Operational improvements to reduce recovery timeframe to respond to extreme weather

Core Service

We’re investing over $2.2B to support world-class safety, security, and reliability, while managing rate impacts and equity challenges of the energy transition.

  • Employee and public safety
  • Mitigate potential physical and cyber threats
  • Maintain the high level of reliability our customers expect
  • Promote diversity and inclusion

Customer Engagement

Our customer service investments are integrated within all other categories and will allow us to continue to provide the exceptional experience that our customers deserve. Our engagement will:

  • Empower customers to participate in the energy transition
  • Drive growth in energy efficiency, and
  • Advance electrification of heating and transportation

We are investing nearly $1B in Multi-Value Projects that contribute benefits to more than one of our strategic objectives.

View our Long Range Plan (PDF)