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Energy Affordability Program

If you are an income-eligible customer who receives benefits from an eligible government assistance program, you may receive a 12-month discount on your monthly energy bill.

You will automatically receive an energy bill discount if a government agency notifies us that you receive benefits from these eligible government assistance programs:

You will not be enrolled automatically if you receive benefits from any of the following eligible government assistance programs:

If living on tribal lands:

How to Check if You Have Been Enrolled

Once you’re enrolled in the New York State Energy Affordability Program, you will receive the “EAP Electric or Gas Discount” as an adjustment on your bill. The adjustment on your bill is based on the program tier you qualify for and if the utility is used for heating or non-heating. To check your enrollment in the Energy Affordability Program, you can either log into My Account or check your bill. Need help verifying your enrollment? Email us

How to Apply

If you’re not currently receiving a discount and you want to enroll in the Energy Affordability Program, you can:

Apply Online


– Complete an Energy Affordability Program application (PDF) and return it to us with your supporting documentation via:

  • Email:
  • Fax: 1-914-925-9235
  • Mail: 
    Orange and Rockland Customer Assistance
    390 W. Route 59
    Spring Valley, NY 10977

You will not be enrolled without supporting documentation. We can accept screenshots, photos, PDFs, and other document types, as long as the required information is visible.

Energy Affordability Program Discounts


Electric Heating

Electric Non-Heating

Gas Heating

Gas Non-Heating

Tier 1
Regular HEAP Grant = $21, $29, $45, $50, $350, $355, $379 and $400

Emergency HEAP recipients without a Regular Heap Grant, customers that heat with other fuels or another low-income qualifier will receive Tier 1. 





Tier 2
Regular HEAP Grant = $385, $390, $391, $396, $414, $420, $435 and $441





Tier 3
Regular HEAP Grant = $426, $431, $455 and $476





Tier 4
Direct Vendor or Utility Guarantee (DSS grant)





Effective December 1, 2023

Budget Billing 

Qualifying customers on the Energy Affordability Program will be automatically enrolled in our Budget Billing Plan.

We will review this amount every four months and adjust as needed. We'll also provide an update on each statement, detailing the total payments you have made and your total energy charges to date, so you'll always know where you stand.

Customers that are behind on paying their bills, will be removed from the Budget Billing Plan. You may contact Customer Service to reenroll in the Budget Billing Plan once past charges have been paid off or you enter into a payment agreement.

For qualifying customers, your next bill will show your Budget Billing amount.

No action is required on your part unless you wish to opt out of the Budget Billing Plan. To be removed from this program, please contact us.

Please note that Energy Affordability Discounts are evaluated on an annual basis and are subject to change. Additionally, the Energy Affordability Program requires an annual renewal application, and it is the customer responsibility to ensure timely submission of renewal application to ensure there is no lapse in receiving monthly discounts.