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Compete in the Wholesale Market With Private Generation

Partner with an aggregator to be reimbursed for the power you create through the wholesale market.

About Private Generation

We’re committed to delivering reliable, affordable, safe, and clean energy to our customers. To do that, we are building a bridge to the clean energy future by utilizing a balanced energy mix.

Until recently, most of the energy in the wholesale market was from traditional generation sources, such as coal, oil, and natural gas – and was sold by the entities who controlled those sources. Now, private generation can play a bigger part in the energy grid of the future by competing in the wholesale market.

What is private generation?

Private generation includes, but is not limited to:

  • Solar energy
  • Energy storage, such as behind-the-meter batteries
  • Electric vehicles and their charging equipment
  • Variable generation, such as backup generators
  • Thermal storage, such as combined-heat-and-power systems
  • Energy efficient technology, such as smart thermostats and appliances
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How to Sell Back the Power You Generate Privately

If you have at least one private generation source, you have the option to partner with an aggregator or become an aggregator to be reimbursed for the power you create through the wholesale market.

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Become an Aggregator

As an aggregator you will contribute to greater energy grid resilience, lower carbon emissions, and enhanced efficiency in energy usage.

By allowing energy services to move from the distribution system to the wholesale market, aggregators enable distributed energy resources (DERs) to make the market more efficiency.

Key Eligibility Requirements

  • All DER technologies can heterogeneously aggregate to meet NYISO requirements, if aggregation is at least 100 kW in size
  • DER aggregation must be geographically within NYISO, as defined by Transmission Node 
  • Establish telemetry to allow aggregation monitoring by NYISO and O&R
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